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The American Folk Music School Assembly performed by Evo Bluestein is a program that celebrates the cultural diversity of America through folk music. Instruments may include: fiddle, banjo, guitar, dulcimer, autoharp, hammered-dulcimer, accordion, spoons, Jew’s harp. Traditional music styles may include: Mexican, Native American, Anglo-Celtic, African American, Appalachian, Cajun. Evo performs on a multitude of instruments, demonstrating many American folk traditions in a concert-lecture format. The program provides appropriate historical perspective and reveals the folk sources of many forms of popular music.

Comments about Evo’s American folk music assembly
“Excellent! Evo knows how to hold a group of children in the palm of his hand! –C. Marshall, Teacher, Alpha School, Madera, CA
Kids, teachers and parents truly enjoy all that you do! The joy of music and knowledge you share will stay with them always., We hope to see you again soon. –Teacher, Manchester Gate School
“It was an excellent program musically and educationally. Fantastic, the kids loved you! ” –Susan Harrell, Teacher, Cherry Avenue Middle School, Tulare, CA
“I want to thank you on behalf of the students and staff. You are a community asset and benefactor for working on behalf of our youth. Thank you again for all the work and the good things you do.” –R. Harris, Activities Director, Duncan Polytechnical High School, Fresno. CA
“Every time I looked around at the children , they had big smiles on their faces.” –3rd grade teacher, Buena Vista School