Central California Community Dance

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Fresno Community Dance with live music and calling
Contra, English Country Dance, and Square Dance–come learn how!

North Fork Community Dance
March 28, 2025

6:00–9:00 PM 

North Fork Town Hall
33060 Road 228, North Fork, CA 93643
$10 door

North Fork Community Dance
April 25, 2025

6:00–9:00 PM 

North Fork Town Hall
33060 Road 228, North Fork, CA 93643
$10 door

Meet new friends and learn forms of traditional folk dance that are so meaningful to our lives. These dances are amazingly fun, easy to learn, and always to live music. Beginners feel comfortable, supported, encouraged, and welcomed by the regulars. It won’t take you long to become a regular too. You will always feel at home at these get-togethers. This is one form of entertainment that is safe and accessible to your entire family, from children 8 years and up to your wise elders.

Central California Community Dance
Old-time community dance!
Central California Country Dance
Traditional American Folk Dance

Sometimes dances are canceled. Be informed by emailing your name to our email list. 

Here are a few resources to answer popular questions and find a dance near you.

Q & A What is Contra Dance?
Contra dance is a little like square dance. Like square dance, we have a caller who prompts us through the dance.

Another Definition of Contra Dance

What is English Country Dance?
ECD and contra dance share some of the same historical roots. 

Dance Links: California and the world!

National: CDSS (Country Dance and Song Society)

A short history of contra dance (video)


Central California community dance
Contra, English country dance, squares and more.