Rings Like Silver, Shines Like Gold


The Lives of Gene and Ellie Bluestein
book by Evo Bluestein and Juliana Harris, October 2021

“It is, at once, a slice of American history, Jewish history, American Studies history, California history, women’s history, and more. I’m teaching an American Studies course soon and I can absolutely see using it as a text.” — Melinda Russell, Professor of Music, Carleton College.

Gene Bluestein’s life was one of those that defies easy categorization. English professor, musician, folklorist, husband, father, social activist – he was all of those things, yet all of those neat little boxes put together cannot contain the whole.
Bluestein’s death at the age of 74, is a source of grief for many, but it also serves to remind us of his contributions.— from the Fresno Bee Editorial, August 24, 2002

Musician and author Evo Bluestein (Road to Sweet’s Mill) has written a book about his parents Gene and Eleanore Bluestein. Gene is the late American Studies professor, whose archives are contained at the Southern Folklife Collection at UNC Chapel Hill.

The biography traces the immigration of the author’s grandparents from Eastern European peasantry to life in New York City. Two of their children (Gene and Ellie) met at an upstate Jewish cultural summer camp where folk music, dance, and culture, transformed their lives. Gene became a preeminent scholar and performer while his wife Ellie became a life-long peace and social justice activist. The engaging and colorful story encompasses historical and national attitudes of the various eras.


Get an autographed Collector’s Item copy of Rings Like Silver, Shines Like Gold FREE! with a Click here to join Patreon and get your book!As a Rocking Chair patron, you receive:

  • Exclusive access to decades of Evo’s folk music archives, not available elsewhere.
  • Enjoy over 150 posts relating to folk and bluegrass. 
  • Content includes: Appalachian, Hawaiian, Flamenco, Armenian, Bulgarian, Irish, Middle Eastern, Cajun, Mexican, zydeco, and more.
  • Artists include: Kenny Hall, Lydia Mendoza, Bessie Jones, Kevin Keegan, Boys of the Lough, Tommy Jarrell, Dennis McGee, Bois Sec Ardoin, Richard Hagopian, Bluestein Family, Ron Thompson, Jon Adams, Ron Hughey, Peter Everwine, Terry Barrett, Dewey Balfa, Bad Boys Zydeco, Gypsy Gyppo String Band
  • Interviews with: Jean Ritchie, Nona Beamer, Barry Shultz, Agustin Lira, Lydia Mendoza, Richie Blue.


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