Subscribe to Evo’s newsletter! Folk music week with autoharps
Folk music week with autoharps is a week of song and instrument training that teaches students basic music theory and to accompany singing while playing autoharp. According to neuroscientists, few activities draw on so many functions of the brain as learning music–memory, learning, motor control, emotion, hearing and creativity.

Evo is an acclaimed music teacher, autoharp designer and a member of the Autoharp Hall of Fame!

The full sized Evoharp bears his name and the ¾ sized Sparrowharp was developed especially with your students in mind. If funding allows, your school may purchase 20-30 Sparrowharps–enough for one group at a time to rotate in for a one hour daily class (a week-long program for 4th, 5th, or 6th grade, for example).

If there is no funding, Evo can provide all the harps for the week, as long as there is a secure place to keep them when not in use. Autoharp is a very accessible instrument, making it easy to sing and play almost instantly but all the students will learn the basics of music theory. Using Evo’s instruction/song book, students will be reading, singing, playing autoharp rhythms and possibly melody by the end of folk music week with autoharps!

As a quick and fun introduction to music or as a compliment to an existing music program, folk music week with autoharps is a sure winner with the students and your school.
staff comment
Please accept my thanks for sponsoring Evo Bluestein’s autoharp residency. I am impressed with how much solid music theory is imparted to students in our brief sessions. Each day’s lesson has opened opportunities for classroom discussions and activities that enhance our regular curriculum. Most importantly, my students are having great fun learning, playing and enjoying music. –Tom Wright, 6th grade teacher, Manchester Gate School

student comments–
“I can’t believe my class and I were lucky enough to have this experience. The best part is that the information we learned can be used for more than just one instrument.” …student comment
“Many songs have different feelings and that’s why I enjoyed it. I learned so much in just five days worth. This will help me on other instruments. I will never forget this.” …student comment

“I am so glad our class has our own autoharp now. We can make music in our free time, maybe our own songs. Playing and singing together was so fun! If only I had a chance to do it again.”…student comment
“That week was one of my favorite weeks. I will never forget this experience. I learned a lot about music this week. I realized how much math is incorporated in music. I’ve already been playing the piano and trumpet for a few years but now I learned how interesting stringed instruments are.” …student comment